Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions we have answer

Explore our comprehensive FAQs to find information on everything from application processes to payment methods. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact us.

Waseela is a consumer finance company that offers fast and secure financial solutions, with a focus on ease of use and customer satisfaction. We provide financing solutions in a wide range of sectors, streamlining the process to make accessing funds and managing your finances as simple and efficient as possible.

To use Waseela’s financing solutions, simply complete the website form, submit the necessary documents, and your application will be processed. Alternatively, customers can start their application while purchasing their desired items at the merchants’ locations.

Waseela stands out for its seamless experience and user-friendly approach to financing. We believe in making financial solutions accessible and stress-free for everyone. With just a few clicks, you can access our flexible financing options with terms ranging from 6 to 60 months. Our intuitive platform and dedicated support team are always here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and satisfying journey.

With Waseela, you can expect a swift approval process. Typically, once you've provided the required documentation, we will process your application and you will receive feedback promptly.

You can conveniently make installment payments at Fawry outlets using the provided payment code (73164) and your National ID. With OPay, you can pay using the payment code (230917) and your National ID. These flexible payment options ensure a convenient and accessible experience.

You can stay updated on our latest special offers and promotions by following our official social media pages on Facebook and Instagram. We regularly post updates and announcements there to keep our customers informed about our ongoing promotions and exclusive deals!