Terms & Conditions

The customer must carefully review the terms and conditions along with the privacy policy before utilizing our services to ensure complete awareness and understanding. By using Waseela application/Website, the customer acknowledges being fully informed about and agrees to comply with these terms and conditions and the privacy policy. Waseela reserves the right to modify or alter these terms and conditions and the privacy policy at any time without prior notice. Such changes will take immediate effect upon publication or disclosure through the Waseela application/website. It is advised to regularly check these terms and conditions for updates. Continued use of the Waseela application/website after any amendments indicates acceptance of the modified terms and conditions.

General information about AUR (Waseela), and contact information:

We are AUR Consumer Finance Company J.S.C - Waseela, a company established and organized in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 18 of 2020 regarding the regulation of consumer financing activity and the decisions of the Board of Directors of the Financial Supervisory Authority issued in implementation thereof, holding a license to practice consumer financing activity from the Financial Supervisory Authority under No. 40 of 2020, registered under Commercial Registry No. 90420, and its main headquarter is A111- Arkadia Mall, Nile Cornish – Cairo, Egypt.

How we will reach out to you:

In the event of communication, we will contact you through phone or email or the postal address you have registered with us in the application database or on our website.

Waseela application/website registration:

You can enroll on the Waseela application/website through a specific process, providing Waseela with the necessary information before the commencement of our service provision.

To activate your account and avail of our services in an authorized manner, please adhere to the following instructions and provisions:

Carefully review the terms and conditions provided below and express unconditional acceptance by clicking the "Agree" button. If you are a customer, complete the registration process through the Waseela application or website. Upon a successful subscription, a verification code will be sent to you via text message. Using this secret code constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions. All users of the Waseela application are bound by these terms and conditions, and your utilization of the Waseela application/website implies your understanding and acknowledgment of these terms. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, refrain from using the Waseela application/website. By clicking "Agree," you confirm your acceptance of these terms and conditions and your compliance with the legal notices, privacy policy, disclaimer terms, and any additional terms and conditions displayed on the Waseela application/website. Please thoroughly read and review these terms and conditions. Waseela disclaims any responsibility for the products and/or services offered through the application or website. By clicking the "Agree" button at the bottom of this page, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms and conditions.

What purposes does the Waseela application/website serve?

By using the Waseela application/website, you acknowledge that the services offered require online registration. Upon subscribing to these services, you commit to providing accurate and current information about yourself or your business. This includes the submission of valid documents as may be required, and you agree to promptly update your personal data following any modifications. It is understood that the Waseela application relies on the user's identity. Waseela shall not be held responsible for any online orders that are deemed frivolous, ambiguous, fraudulent, or executed without the user's knowledge or consent.

Responsibilities and Information Required for Account Activation:

By proceeding with the account activation, you agree to the following terms:

User Name: This serves as the unique identifier for Waseela application users and is assigned during the registration process. Currently, the user’s name corresponds to your mobile phone number and requires connection to a smart device for accessing your account from the Waseela application. It is essential to register from the same smart device.

A customer "password" is a combination of symbols chosen by in dividual users during registration. This password grants access to the user's account and all services offered by the Waseela application. In case of a lost password, users can contact customer service at 15643 to request a password change.

Your password is strictly for personal and exclusive use, equivalent to a written personal signature concerning the provided services. Users must maintain the confidentiality of elements used for protecting other personal identification numbers or financial data. You bear full responsibility for safeguarding your password. If your password is lost or stolen, promptly reset your password through your registered email or contact the Customer Service Center via the hotline (15643) and change your password immediately. Immediate notification by phone is crucial to minimize potential losses.

Conditions for Setting Password:

Password codes must include at least one numeric character.

Password codes must feature one uppercase letter.

The password must comprise more than 8 characters.

The password must contain one special character (@, $, %,!).

For errors or inquiries related to the service, please direct all questions and concerns about transactions conducted through our services to us via email: [email protected]

In the context of this agreement, "You," "your," or "yours" refers to the individual user who acknowledges reading, understanding, and agreeing to be bound by the terms outlined herein.

What are the terms and conditions concerning inaccuracies in the application/website?

Despite our best efforts to ensure the accuracy and currency of information on the Waseela application/website, instances may arise where merchants provide inaccurate or incomplete product information. Waseela does not offer any assurances regarding the precision of such information accessible through the Waseela application or electronic portal. The validity, timeliness, or completeness of this data cannot be guaranteed by Waseela. Consequently, Waseela retains the right to rectify errors and/or update the contents of its application or portal at any time without prior notice. Additionally, Waseela reserves the right to outrightly reject requests lacking complete and accurate data.

What are the terms and conditions governing user submissions?

By submitting information and data to the Waseela application/website, you acknowledge and agree that all such content becomes the exclusive property of Waseela, with no rights to retrieval granted at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, documents, questions, reviews, comments, and suggestions. It is prohibited to use misleading or anonymous email addresses, impersonate another person, or mislead Waseela or any third party regarding the origins of submissions. Waseela holds no direct obligation or responsibility to remove any of these submitted files.

How does Waseela oversee document and requirement compliance?

By using Waseela's services, you authorize the company to request and examine all your personal data, encompassing financial, residential, and employment details. Additionally, ongoing compliance as a Waseela customer may necessitate the submission of supplementary information. To prevent fraud, Waseela retains the right to authenticate the provided personal information by cross-referencing it with your documents. This verification process may involve scrutinizing photocopies of national ID, residence, or banking information, and checking your name against domestic and international sanctions and crime lists, such as those maintained by the European Union, the United Nations, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), tasked with identifying money laundering offenses.

Failure to respond to verification requests will result in automatic service cancellation. Your registration for Waseela application services, along with your selection of the appropriate list, serves as a written request and authorizes Waseela to obtain information from your credit file or other relevant entities. You grant Waseela the authority to verify your registration request, consenting to the company's communication with third parties to activate your request and verify data and information. Waseela reserves the right to provide services based on its absolute discretion, without assuming any obligations or responsibilities. As a customer, you fully and unconditionally agree to Waseela's right to collect, preserve, and possess all information, data, and documents provided for legally authorized purposes.

What are the commercial and trademark rights associated with the application?

The terms "intellectual property rights" encompasses patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade names, service marks, implied rights, design rights, database rights, know-how rights, or other proprietary rights. This includes other intellectual property, whether applied, not yet applied, or pending application in Egypt or anywhere else globally, with due consideration for the element of fame associated with these rights. Waseela Company reserves all intellectual property rights pertaining to any sections of the application, the electronic portal, or the services provided under these terms and conditions. Additionally, Waseela Company retains all intellectual property rights concerning any new updates or modifications.

In exchange, no rights, licenses, or implicit waivers are conferred upon any individual regarding their intellectual property rights.

What are the conditions for terminating account services?

Waseela holds the authority to promptly terminate all terms and conditions and deactivate the account without providing a reason or incurring any liability, and this can be done without prior notice.

Upon the termination of your account, access to the app/website will be restricted, and all passwords and account IDs issued to you will be deactivated.

It is acknowledged and agreed that the termination process will not impact any outstanding liabilities, including but not limited to payment obligations, that existed prior to the expiration date

Should you find Waseela's application or website unsatisfactory, you have the option to cease using it at any time.

licensing and Access Permissions:

By utilizing the App/website, you acknowledge and agree to be granted a limited license by Waseela for personal use. You further agree not to upload the Application or make any modifications (in whole or in part) without obtaining prior written consent from Waseela.

It is understood and agreed that the license provided does not permit the resale or use of Waseela's trade name. Additionally, you agree that the license does not authorize the resale or use of the trade name for any content within Waseela's application/website. This includes refraining from collecting or using any presentation or sub-use of Waseela's application/website. Furthermore, the licensing does not allow for the reloading or copying of account information for other parties, or the use of extracted data, robots, or similar data collection and extraction tools.

You acknowledge and agree that you are not entitled to reissue, copy, sell, resell, or exploit Waseela's application/website for commercial or non-commercial purposes, in any form (in whole or in part), without the prior written consent of Waseela.

The user is prohibited from using any other trademark, logo, or intellectual property rights (including photos, text, page layout, or form) without prior written consent from Waseela. Additionally, you are not authorized to use any semantic marks or "hidden text" bearing the name of any of Waseela's products or their trademarks without the prior written consent of Waseela. Unauthorized use will result in the immediate termination of the license granted by Waseela.

Waseela grants limited and non-exclusive rights to some merchants and/or the parent company to create electronic links on the app. These links must accurately reflect the services and products of those merchants without any falsification or misinformation. Merchants are not permitted to use the logo of Waseela or any other commercial mark or trademark as part of the link without obtaining prior written consent.

Warranty Disclaimer:

Waseela makes no declarations or warranties, whether express or implied, regarding the operation of its app/website, information, content, or material.

You acknowledge and agree to assume usage responsibilities for Waseela’s application/website to the maximum extent permitted by law. Waseela provides no assurance, whether express or implied, regarding the products and services offered through these platforms

Waseela does not offer any guarantees, express or implied, including but not limited to specific-purpose promotional guarantees. Waseela disclaims responsibility for the possibility that its application/portal, servers, or emails may contain viruses or other malware. Additionally, Waseela disclaims liability for any damages arising from the use of its application/website, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, and subsequent damages, except those resulting from fraud and gross negligence.

Under these Terms and Conditions, you agree to indemnify Waseela, its board members, employees, and agents for all direct and indirect losses resulting from a breach of these terms or any violations of intellectual property rights by you. These losses encompass claims, damages, costs, fees, obligations, or expenses.

Furthermore, under these Terms and Conditions, you confirm your understanding that promotions on the app/website are issued by merchants registered on the app. Waseela assumes no liability of any kind for the content or accuracy of these offers via the Waseela app/website.

Privacy Policy:

Kindly review the Privacy Policy presented below on Waseela's application/website.

Electronic Communication:

By utilizing Waseela's Application/website or sending us emails, you engage in electronic communication with us. Your agreement includes consenting to receive electronic correspondence from Waseela, wherein You may be contacted via email or through the application/Waseela alert notices. Furthermore, you agree that all agreements, notifications, disclosures, and other communications issued by Waseela electronically will serve as their written counterparts, meeting legal requirements.

You confirm that you have access to and have read information posted on the application/website. Additionally, you agree to provide an active email address capable of receiving emails from Waseela. Waseela retains the full right to send correspondence and promotional materials to its clients through electronic applications, text messages, emails, and other electronic media specified by Waseela.

As a Waseela client, you explicitly and unconditionally agree to conduct transactions through electronic means, media, and emails that are accurate and effective.

Electronic Communication Method:

While utilizing the app, Waseela's team will deliver all communications in electronic form, either through email or accessible online, allowing you to retrieve them via your own account.

Intellectual Property Rights:

You acknowledge that all content within Waseela's application/website, comprising information, data, software, photographs, graphics, videos, text, drawings, music, audio clips, and any other material protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. These rights are applicable and safeguarded in all their manifestations, including through various media and existing or future technological methods.


It is your responsibility to ensure the security and confidentiality of your account when using Waseela's application/website, including the password that grants access to your device. You also agree to assume responsibility for all activities, including payments, conducted under your account and password. Waseela reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or modify content, or cancel orders in accordance with its policies. The application/Waseela may be utilized solely for lawful purposes. The account owner bears all responsibilities for activities under their account or password and may not disavow them, including financial transactions.

As part of the application registration, login, and general usage process, you agree to receive account status notifications and promotional emails from Waseela's application/website. You have the option to opt out of receiving promotional emails by clicking on the provided link in the email. However, you are not entitled to opt out of receiving emails/SMS notifications related to your account status.

Fraudulent Correspondence Alerts:

Waseela acknowledges the risks associated with fraudulent correspondence, particularly emails sent to individuals within the Republic falsely claiming to be official communication from or on behalf of Waseela, utilizing the company's name and/or trademarks. These unsolicited communications often purport to offer employment opportunities within Waseela or declare the recipient as a winner of a competition award. Waseela strictly prohibits such communications and disclaims any responsibility for them. Therefore, exercise caution and discretion when divulging personal or confidential information, as Waseela absolves itself entirely from any form of fraudulent correspondence.

Waseela will never request confidential information from you except through its official platforms or designated customer channels, which include call centers, customer services, and activation points. Waseela or its parent company will not send employment opportunities via email, and no emails will be dispatched to users regarding account information or required changes.

Potential Removal or Exclusion:

Your visit to Waseela's application/website is contingent upon adherence to a set of policies that regulate your visit and usage. In the event that any provision becomes unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, such a requirement is severable and does not impact the validity and enforceability of the other terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions are governed by Egyptian law. In the event of any disputes arising from the interpretation or application of these Terms and Conditions, they shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of the Arab Republic of Egypt through the competent Egyptian courts.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution Mechanism:

Waseela reserves the right to take all necessary actions in the event of any breach or violation of these Terms and Conditions. This includes seeking judicial orders from competent courts to prohibit the disclosure of confidential information or infringement of intellectual property rights. Waseela is also entitled to pursue adequate compensation for damages through legal action, including compensation for damages resulting from attempts to discredit or unauthorized disclosure of confidential information and/or infringement of intellectual property rights. It is acknowledged and agreed that the disclosure of any confidential information or infringement of intellectual property rights will cause harm to Waseela.

Contacting Us:

For direct communication, feel free to reach us by calling our customer service representatives at 15643 or through the following email address: [email protected]